InnoCent International GmbH
Reutackerstraße 22-24 79591 Eimeldingen Germany The company has an international reputation for reliability, flexibility and technical expertise in the development, production and contract manufacturing of cosmetics and personal care products as well as household and industrial cleaners. InnoCent International GmbH's headquarters in Eimeldingen are located in the chemical stronghold of the Rhine bend. Innocent International GmbH operates as a contract manufacturer in the Beauty Care (cosmetics) and Laundry & Home Care (detergents/cleaning agents) business units.
ceragol international GmbH
Grundstrasse 41 8196 Wil (ZH) Switzerland ceragol international GmbH, based in Wil, Switzerland, is a well-known manufacturer of high-quality cleaning products covering the entire range of cleaning, care and descaling of coffee machines. The product range is complemented by innovative touchscreen, display and window cleaners.