In our own laboratory we develop according to your wishes the whole range of cosmetics from "rinse off" (such as: shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, etc.) to "leave on" products (such as: body lotion, face creams, eye creams, anti-aging products, foot cream, heat cream, etc.). The development is carried out according to the wishes and needs of our customers. Experienced specialists, many years of know-how and professional machinery guarantee high quality products. The following is an excerpt of the points taken into account during development
- special active ingredients, plant extracts and oils, care substances, fragrances and preservatives
- the purpose: anti-aging, sunscreen, acne, care
- conformity to consumer associations or cosmetic labels such as: Öko-Test, BDIH controlled natural cosmetics, Ecocert and many more.
- ecological and economic factors: natural raw materials, controlled organic cultivation of raw materials, renewable raw materials, GMO-free, economic efficiency of the end product
- Sicherheit der Produkte: Wir erstellen auf Ihren Wunsch eine Sicherheitsbewertung sowie ein EU-Konformitätszertifikat Ihrer Produkte . Grundsätzlich achten wir jedoch bereits bei der Entwicklung darauf, dass die Produkte den geltenden gesetzlichen Bestimmungen entsprechen.
In our laboratory, 0-series and utility samples are produced to give you and your testers a first impression of the product already during development. The samples are thoroughly tested with special measuring equipment to determine appropriate physical quantities for the preparation of a binding specification and to ensure physical and microbial stability. We offer a range of test models for dermatological (Dermatest) and microbiological testing
- in vitro (LAL or cytotoxicity)
- ex vivo (Hetcam)
- in vivo (allergenes Potenzial, lokale Verträglichkeit)
- Human testing (compatibility, bioequivalence)
- Safety testing (histamine, sensitization)
- biologische Standardisierung (Heparin, Oxitocin)
The test results are presented in German, English or French according to customer requirements.